Primary Contracting & Subcontracting
Pavie Planning & Construction engages in many fields of contracting and operates as a primary contractor and as a subcontractor in the public and private sectors.
The company has a contractor's license as a primary contractor in the construction sector (registered contractor 35734).
The company's specialties are:
Laboratories, clean rooms
and projects with a high security classification
The company maintains a skilled and professional manpower qualified to work in classified complexes. The company also adheres to work according to standards, employee certification and safety at work.

Last Projects

Southern Laboratory, Poultry Board
Structure works and earthworks, including the construction of a retaining wall and a perimeter wall around a laboratory building of the Poultry Board

Nano Laboratory, Weizmann Institute
Structure and finishing works for the construction of a nano laboratory inside the accelerator building at the Weizmann Institute

Laboratory building, IIBR
Construction of a two-story laboratory building at the Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona

IVF laboratory, Hadassah Ein Kerem
Establishment of an IVF laboratory within Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital
Guaranteed Quality
The unique synergy the company has between the planning and the executive departments, and the deep understanding of all the profession's different fields, leads to efficient work, ensures the quality of the projects, and brings great added value.
The company's use of computer tools during execution allows providing high levels of planning flexibility, supervision, and quality control.